The Loveless Lane theatre troupe

The dedicated collective of actors, dancers, singers and performers of Sector 8 - bringing the joy of performance to Midgar. The show must always go on, and we shall not falter in our mission to bring the beauty of the performing arts to all of Midgar and beyond!

Pardon the mess - Under Construction

Find us on Twitter for Updates and to Contact us for any information regarding our Troupe

The Glorious History of the Loveless lane troupe

under construction

Current Performances

Permanently playing on the Genesis stage
Loveless - dir. by Jacques frances walsh

The thrilling quest of three friends to find the goddess and her gift

our winter season will be announced soon - check back later for details


under construction

Creative team of the loveless lane troupe

The playwrights, the directors, the stagehands, the lighting technicians, the music directors, the teachers of the arts! Without them there would be no show! Here is the current list of our creative team here at Loveless Lane.

Note: Some of the below listed characters are simply NPCs utilized by the admins and tweet via the Loveless Lane account for events and performances, and do not have their own accounts and will be marked as "NPC" to avoid confusion. Other characters have been created by the many creative roleplayers in the verse, these characters will have their associated twitter accounts linked.


Lead Director, Artistic Director and the current Producer of Loveless Lane Troupe - Damien Holmes

Damien Holmes has been with Loveless Lane now for 5 seasons worth of shows and has directed Loveless itself three times to much acclaim. He is currently working in conjuction with Avalanche to adapt the play - The Murderous Massacred Masquerade for their annual Winter Solstice Ball. He enjoys using the art of theater as a way of bringing the audience into the shows themselves - making them active participants versus a passive audience and is widely regarded for his accomplishments in this regard. It is through his vision as artistic director that many fledgling directors, actors and others have flourished in new and exciting ways.


Current Director of Loveless - Jacques Frances Walsh

Growing up in Junon, Loveless quickly became Jacques Frances Walsh's favorite story - eagerly awaiting the day he would be able to see the stageplay in it's glory. Since moving to Midgar he has seen Loveless in several iterations each with different directors - and it has long been his dream to bring his own vision of the epic tale to life on stage. His take on Loveless has received both critical and audience acclaim - with reviews stating it has breathed new life into the tale. While he is unsure what he will direct next once he hands the legacy and reigns of directing Loveless over to the next Director - he is eager to continue on his journey just as the one told in Loveless.


Lighting Designer and Technician - Serah Farron

Bio forthcoming!


Costumer Designer, Wardrobe Supervisor and Make-Up Consultant - Andrea Rhodea

While many know Andrea Rhodea for his built from the bottom up Honeybee Inn - the number one attraction in Wall Market - Andrea is a valuable asset to the Loveless Lane Troupe. While the man, the myth, the legend, is often busy running the Honeybee Inn, this has never stopped him from designing the Loveless Lane Productions wardrobes and costumes, in addition to helping create the make-up looks for each actor. It is with his help that each production is dressed immaculately and accurately to the performances needs. As well, he often helps provide back up dancers as need via the Honeybee Inn and has been known to ocassionally take the stage himself in background roles.


Set Designer - Johnny Wiseau

Not much is known about the resident set designer of Loveless Lane, Johnny Wiseau - but his talent for setting the stage and rooms for our actors to live and breathe in is beyond incredible. Though he often simply shows up, completes the design and disappears without ever viewing the shows he works on - it is his designs that help bring the visuals of the works life. He has however on the rare occasions he has attended cast parties, mentioned wanting to make his own 'movie-film' based on his experiences on building sets for productions simply entitled... The Room.

Resident Dance Teacher (Ballet)
Ai Mithras

Bio forthcoming!


Lead Choreographer and Stage Directions Manager - Juliette Berry

The protégé of Andrea Rhodea - Juliette was brought onto the creative team of Loveless Lane after proving her wings over at the Honeybee Inn with her skills at choreographing large-scale performances. In addition - she has a key eye for stage directions, helping direct where and when the actors move across the stage to help the performance's story along through the grace of movement. Alongside Ai Mithras, she helps teach the fundamentals of dance to the troupe - and has learned a great deal from Ai, who's primary focus is on ballet.


Music Director, Sound Designer, and Resident Composer - Izabella Gallagher

Born in Kalm, just outside Midgar - Izabella always dreamed of becoming a musician and hearing her composed works played for the world. By the age of eight she had mastered the piano and she quickly turned to other instruments - finding her love for music and creating music unquenchable. Displaying an aptitude for being able to distinguish pitch on cue, many consider her to be a musical prodigy and as the resident composer of Loveless Lane it is her composed works that are heard throughout all productions on the Loveless stages.

The Loveless Lane Actors

Our current line-up of talented and creatively minded actors, actress, dancers, singers and performers that have made their home here at Loveless Lane - those who are beloved by all of Midgar for their breathtaking performances time and time again!

Note: Some of the below listed characters are simply NPCs utilized by the admins and tweet via the Loveless Lane account for events and performances, and do not have their own accounts and will be marked as "NPC" to avoid confusion. Other characters have been created by the many creative roleplayers in the verse, these characters will have their associated twitter accounts linked.


Theodore Dixon

A renowned actor of the Loveless Lane Troupe, Theodore has acted in over 68 productions - the Murderous Massacred Masquerade was to be his 69th - but he is perfectly happy for the upcoming Winter Solstice Ball performance to be the next milestone. As an old standby of the troupe, he enjoys mentoring newcomers to the stage, and is a welcome face to all newcomers on and off-stage. In his spare time enjoys a nice glass of wine alongside his husband to unwind while practicing his next monologue.


Gabriel Sharpe

A native to Midgar and not unknown to those who frequent Loveless Lane. He has starred in a few productions here and there on Loveless, and it is his desire to become a leading man that inspires the next generation of actors. It was his idol, Genesis', love of Loveless that led Gabriel to pursue an acting career and has enjoyed all the thrilling excitement the stage has to offer.


Renee Jones

A relative newcomer to the stage itself, Renee Jones took the leap with encouragement from her friend Patty Scarlet. Though Patty is now one with the Lifestream - Renee continues onward, hoping to achieve the dreams she and her closest friend shared. A versatile actress, she enjoys playing a wide variety of parts she can sink her teeth in - never saying no, no matter how big or small the part is.


Jia Mei

Hailing from Wutai, Jia Mei has made herself well know for her starring roles in a variety of W-Dramas (Wutai-Dramas), and has taken her leap into live theater. She's excited to join the troupe of Loveless Lane and begin taking on roles more than simple 'love interests' - hoping to show that she can be just a wide and varied actress as the best of them.


Mia Madigan

Mia, a newcomer to Loveless Lane, is thrilled to join the Loveless Troupe at long last. Originally hailing from Rocket Town, she had high hopes and dreams as any - though hers revolved around the stage and not space. She eagerly awaits to take to the stage and bring forth her best performances for the storied troupe of Sector 8.


Alas, all stories must come to an end, as sorrowful as it may be. This includes members of our beloved collective who have retired or moved on to greater pastures - it is here we honor them and their dedication to their time here at Loveless, and their contributions to our stages.


In Memoriam - Never Forgotten, the Flower of Loveless' Stage

Patty Scarlet (née Patty Rose)

Primed to be the next rising star of Loveless Lane, known for her brilliant performance of the Goddess in one of Damien Holmes' directed runs of Loveless - Patty Scarlet's life was tragically cut short just prior to taking the stage for Loveless Lane's collaborative event with Midgar Avalanche's Halloween Event. Though her murder remains unsolved to this day - we still hold in our hearts the many memories of her bright smile, her enduring performances, and her encouraging words for all who took to the stage.


Patty Rougetasse

Patty Rougetasse originally joined the Loveless Troupe as merely a hobby, looking for a way to fill her time as a retired woman, but found a knack for acting and soon became a regular face on the Loveless stages. Unfortunately - though she had decided to retire after Loveless' Halloween production, she abruptly decided to hasten her retirement, withdrawing from the production after Patty Scarlet's death for which we understand completely the grief that must have led to such a decision. There is hope however that the legendary Rougetasse will grace the stages of Loveless again - stating given the right role, she might just come out of retirement.


Occasionally we open up auditions for our productions outside of our troupe.
Here you will find any open auditions to the public for parts in our productions and how to audition for them.

Current open auditions:

Please check back soon - we do not currently have any open auditions for any of our upcoming performances


Without performers or creative team, we would have no shows, no performances. We are a highly selective theatre troupe, and demand excellence in all it's forms. Should a coveted spot open up within our theatre troupe - you will find instructions on how to audition to see if you have what it takes to be apart of the famed Loveless Lane Theatre Troupe, whether it be as a performer or as part of our creative team that helps bring the words of the script to life on the stage!

Other Opportunities

All is not lost if we are not currently open for auditions or perhaps you did not make the cut the first time. We do often have positions available for stagehands, and behind the scenes of our shows and this is often how some of our most famed performers worked their way up to becoming the stars that they are. If you desire to work your way up the ladder - simply message us on our social media and we shall see if there is a spot that suits you! After all - there are no small parts - just small people!


We could not put on the performances we do without the aid of audience members such as you - and it is here that we honor those who have made major contributions to further the arts.

Genesis Rhapsodos
Your contributions and love for Loveless has kept our troupe going for years - and for more years to come. It is for this reason we have named one of our stages after you where a permanent showing of Loveless plays with a rotating cast. From all of us at the Loveless Lane Theatre Troupe - thank you